Work With Hillary


We offer transformational storytelling programs for anyone who has lost their voice and a sense of who they are. 

We'll work with you to REFRAME and OWN your narrative so that you can show up authentically, speak up boldly, and connect deeply.

To work with Tell Me A Story is to engage wholeheartedly in an immersive trust fall and discover repeatedly that your unique voice is there to catch you if you let it.
— Jenny P.

No matter your level of visibility, when other people control your narrative, it not only impacts your reputation but also your identity.

And when there are false narratives, social noise and crises of confidence, trust goes out the window.

With every milestone achievement or big life change it's easy to lose trust in yourself, your circumstances, and other people. 

That inner monologue (and sometimes real people in your life) scream things like:

😡 "You're not good enough!"

😤 "No one cares about the story you want to tell."

🥵 "Without showing up on social media, you'll become irrelevant and disappear."

The answer isn't to stay quiet and relinquish control to these bullying voices.

✨ Because you deserve to be heard. ✨

Quiet the critic inside of you, silence the stories that other people are telling, and raise the volume on the true, authentic, vital version of you.

How? By building, growing and expanding your level of trust across three pillars.

We call this The Trust Trifecta.

✨ Trust in yourself.

✨ Trust in your story.

✨ Trust in your audience.

🌱 When you grow and expand trust in yourself you find presence.

🌱 When you grow and expand trust in your story you reconnect with your voice and take your power back. 

🌱 When you grow and expand trust in your audience you build deep, long-lasting relationships with other human beings.

And while all of this lives in the world of personal development, doing this work (and committing to it wholeheartedly) leads to some pretty awesome professional perks

⭐️ You'll develop a life-changing understanding of yourself that transforms your honest and passionate inner voice into a story worth sharing.

⭐️ You'll have full ownership of how you are putting yourself out there, with firm boundaries on what you are sharing and with whom.

⭐️ You'll increase your creativity and innovation exponentially when speaking up and sharing with your audience — whether it’s one person or millions.

⭐️ You will walk away from interviews (podcasts! press! pitches! parents!) knowing that you represented yourself in the most genuine way.

This work has helped me gain confidence in sharing my own story and trusting that those listening are not judging my achievements or life choices. And even if they are judging, I’m working on caring a bit less about what they think by trusting the power of my unique perspective.
— Jenny P.

In the spaces I am in I have a lot of fear and anxiety about being exposed...I don’t even really know what that means.

Now, I think being more open, personal about the journey is helpful to me... letting me relax a bit and letting people see me as more human.

I have told my story on a live mic in front of an audience. I have a process and story bank. It has changed my work. It has changed me.

I feel stronger as an artist and thinking about what the journey is. What is my lane? Does it matter if I have a lane?
— Tracy W.

I have so much more, vastly more, evidence that my stories resonate, help other people, inspire them than the contrary. Yet I operated out of a place of uncertainty. This process has helped me be more compassionate toward myself. Focus on WHY I’m telling the story and how I want people to feel, rather than getting thrown off track with overanalyzing the “what.”

So, in important ways, my stories are vehicles to someone else’s self-discovery or self-awareness—and that’s my purpose! It’s a noble pursuit to share my stories! I feel great that sharing my stories is less about having something “important” to say (a judgment) and instead about making deeper connections (my purpose). Notice all the “I”‘s - that’s been a big shift: the ability to recognize when I’m taking myself out of the narrative.
— Erin B.

Okay, so what is this exactly? How do I work with you? 

1️⃣ Book a TRUST Audit - a 90-minute one-on-one session that holds up a mirror to your current relationship with (and mindset around) your self, your story, and your audience.

2️⃣ Continue working with Hillary in the TRUST Transformation - a year-long co-creative partnership designed for you to heal, build, grow, and expand your relationship with (and ability to) TRUST yourself, your story, and your audience.

Want to chat with Hillary to learn more about working with her? You can request a 15-minute Intro Call here.