Crafting Your Narrative: 1-on-1 Coaching


A six-month coaching and accountability partnership for Solo Retreat clients looking to take up even more space with their stories.

Your stories will support you as you continue to take risks with how you are communicating. And now you have the skills and the tools to try things on with confidence and to learn from every risk taken.

As you grow your public platforms, businesses, and creative ventures it will become easier to spot opportunities to tell more stories frequently and you will feel confident that you have the tools and the sense of self to do it in a stand-out way.

Crafting Your Narrative: 1-on-1 Coaching will help you to:

  • Grow your confidence. You will have the courage to take on new (and higher stakes) speaking opportunities and do so with confidence.

  • Refine your communication style. Continue to create a consistent voice in your industry and area of expertise without any worry of sounding like everyone else.

  • Take up even more space without self-doubt and fear of judgment. You’ll no longer hide or minimize your expertise and accomplishments. Nor will you want to.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your expertise and authority. You’ll have clarity in how the different aspects of yourself and your values fit together and build alignment so that you show up for yourself and your work the way you want to.

  • Strengthen your storytelling skills all the more. You will craft great stories and find uses for them in tons of situations you would never have predicted.

  • Test the limits of your creative thinking. You’ll trust how your creativity will support you in communicating naturally, effectively, and with impact.

+ Who Should Do This

1-on-1 Coaching is perfect for you if you have completed a Solo Retreat and if any of the following apply:

  • Post-Solo Retreat you are in a productive groove. You have some specific projects to work on and know that continued support would be invaluable as you take those on and pursue additional opportunities.
  • You have trust in yourself, your new storytelling toolkit, and have demonstrated a commitment to doing this work on a consistent basis.
  • You need support and accountability when preparing for various types of public speaking engagements and narrative consulting for podcast development, solo episodes of an existing podcast, or guest interview content.

+ What You'll Get

During your 1-on-1 Coaching program you will:

  • Create a Speak Up Plan - a working document that aligns your narrative with your values, your creative vision, and your actual communication strategy for getting your new narratives out into the world.
  • Craft a collection of fully-baked stories ready to share with your audience via your go-to communication channels (e.g. podcasts, video content, live events, press, and pitches)
  • Build a story strategy that aligns each narrative, your message and calls-to-action, and each channel of communication.
  • Refine your process for delivering exceptional new content in a short period of time.

You'll also:

  • Experience an increase of self-compassion and joy in communicating
  • Cultivate full trust in yourself, your story(ies) and your audience.
  • Increase your capacity for and ability to foster genuine connection and curiosity every single time you are using your voice (in your newsletter, your podcast, on stage, in 1-on-1 conversations, in the media, and so on).

I was a tough sell because I have taken lots of classes, I’ve worked with lots of coaches and copywriting and branding experts, and I am immersed in the online business world. And I know all the rules for marketing.

And Hillary throws all those rules out and just presents a completely different way of approaching marketing, talking to people, sharing your expertise that is so full of integrity and so full of genuineness and authenticity. It is really how I wanted to show up in the world.

Now, how I communicate with clients, how I show up, my ability to feel like I am an expert and my ability to teach... there are so many ways that Hillary’s work and the idea of storytelling infiltrates every layer of my business. I am such a believer in the concept of storytelling.
— Nancy

+ How 1-on-1 Coaching Works

The Tell Me A Story® Framework is comprised of three parts: Brainstorming, Prep + Practice and Strategy + Performance. Crafting Your Narrative: 1-on-1 Coaching places a heavy emphasis on Strategy + Performance.

Your investment includes:

  • Six 90-minute Coaching sessions (one per month for six months)
  • Ongoing coaching and mentorship via Voxer in between session for the duration of your program
  • Content review (feedback and consulting) as you implement your stories into your various channels of communication.
  • A "glow up" makeover of your custom Client Dashboard from your Solo Retreat
  • Recordings of your face-to-face Zoom sessions
  • Additional Tell Me A Story® Framework materials
  • Lifetime access to all of your Coaching session recordings and digital materials
  • Surprise snail mail packages!


  • Biannual workshops with past and present Crafting Your Narrative clients to uplevel skills and connect with a like-minded community of ambitious leaders.

+ What It Costs

Your investment for Coaching is $2,000/mo for six months ($12,000 total)

Clients have the option of paying the full investment over 10 months with no added payment plan fees.

Have you completed your Solo Retreat and are now ready for 6 months of one-on-one storytelling support and training?

Looking to get started with your story?

All new clients begin in a Crafting Your Narrative: Solo Retreat so that they set a strong storytelling foundation from the start.